Monday, July 13, 2009

I'm getting better!

Look, less than a month since the last post! Woo hoo!

So, still stuck in Summer School HADES, but at least this is the last week. Then, two weeks of worthless training, and school starts for the year! Summer flew by, had it's ups and downs, but after a refreshing weekend of doing nothing at all, I feel a bit more rested (except for the fact that I caught a NASTY head cold.. that bater was not refreshing, nor did it help me feel rested!).

We are moving this week! So excited! Roby gets back to Phoenix on Thursday, and we start moving that day! I am NOT looking forward to moving in 110 degree heat (HOPEFULLY it's that "cool"), but I am so excited to get out of an apartment and into a house. Apartments are nice, but nothing compares to having a HOME!! With a backyard. And misters that cool down your beer pong area :)

However, with moving out comes the inevitable hassle of PACKING UP! Let's see how much stuff I can get rid of during this move! It's kind of nice, the "cleansing" that comes with it. Hopefully I can eliminate a lot of junk from my collection, and start fresh in the new place.

Still, I foresee a lot of trips to IKEA (I know I know, but it's cheap and easy and I'm poor and tired...) :)