Sunday, February 28, 2010


So, maybe this is because I'm on a very silly kick from watching a movie last night.  (Julie and Julie... yeah,  I know).  But, I still very much like the idea of making life changes that, well, change your life.  Of course it sounds cheesy and unrealistic to think that a movie would be enough to motivate me to give my life a makeover, but why not?  I've been looking to change some stuff up for awhile now, so let's give it a try.

What I want: to become happier, healthier.  An right now, my happiness is almost completely tied to my physical and emotional health (that makes sense, right?)

I want health.  Mind, body, spirit.  The LSAT studying should occupy the "mind" side of me for awhile, so that means body and spirit are left.  I know HOW to fix the body aspect of my happiness... it's all a matter of motivation and accountability.  Spirit could be a little more difficult...  suggestions are always welcomed.

I need a plan.  A plan that can help to keep me on track, one filled with min-goals and benchmarks that are realistic and within reach.  A plan that incorporates exercise, healthy eating habits, and time for myself.  Whatever that means right now.

More to come tomorrow(or maybe even tonight?) after I've had a chance to give it more thought.  As for now, off to Borders to research!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Well.  The last three days have been spent in my bed, with little more than coughing, kleenex, Sadie, and Friends DVDs to entertain me.  WOW, I don't think I remember being this sick in a very long time!  But the good news was that I was FORCED to slow down.  Apparently the body put its foot down.... it's had enough.

So, in an effort to avoid literally being bed ridden for twice as long (the next time my health decides to effectively shut down),  I will attempt to do something different with my life.

The last few months have been riddled with stress.  Time commitments, pressure from all sides, feeling like I had to live up to something that I myself couldn't even define.  Well, with this quarter ending, it's a chance to start over again, and who cares if it's 4th quarter.... let's make this one the best one yet!

I will make a schedule and I will stick to it.  
Said schedule will include the things I need to do to be both happy and feel like I accomplished something. And since my sense of accomplishment is not coming from the classroom this year, I'll have to find it elsewhere...

New schedule will include:
Gym time, LSAT studying, cooking new recipes, dance classes (well, 1 a week anyway), time spent with friends, dog park, perusing book stores and getting frozen yogurt, and one movie I really wanna see a week.  Although most of those will be rentals.... I'm such a homebody!  :)  

It may seem a little strange that I need to have a "life schedule".  But I'm a planner.  This is how I do things!  Let's give it a week and see how it goes.  Although, this week will be a lil different, since I'm startin it off sick....  Hmmm.