Sunday, February 28, 2010


So, maybe this is because I'm on a very silly kick from watching a movie last night.  (Julie and Julie... yeah,  I know).  But, I still very much like the idea of making life changes that, well, change your life.  Of course it sounds cheesy and unrealistic to think that a movie would be enough to motivate me to give my life a makeover, but why not?  I've been looking to change some stuff up for awhile now, so let's give it a try.

What I want: to become happier, healthier.  An right now, my happiness is almost completely tied to my physical and emotional health (that makes sense, right?)

I want health.  Mind, body, spirit.  The LSAT studying should occupy the "mind" side of me for awhile, so that means body and spirit are left.  I know HOW to fix the body aspect of my happiness... it's all a matter of motivation and accountability.  Spirit could be a little more difficult...  suggestions are always welcomed.

I need a plan.  A plan that can help to keep me on track, one filled with min-goals and benchmarks that are realistic and within reach.  A plan that incorporates exercise, healthy eating habits, and time for myself.  Whatever that means right now.

More to come tomorrow(or maybe even tonight?) after I've had a chance to give it more thought.  As for now, off to Borders to research!

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