Friday, April 30, 2010

Day 12

And still going strong!  So far the only part that has really been tough is the 3x a week clause: weekends are easy but that ONE day during the work week is horrid!  Good thing the roommate forced me to get up this morning or I woulda lost it today!!  :)

Still not seeing much of a change, and this is very frustrating.  However, the challenge continues whether I see results or not.  Hopefully they start to come!  It is a good feeling though, going to the gym a lot more often.  And I know that if I just hold out long enough, I wills tart to see the change.  If I could put on the weight, i can lose it too.  Yay Challenge!  :)

Monday, April 19, 2010

30 Day Challenge

So, for the last couple of weeks I've been really good.  Little to no alcohol, little to no eating out, and more days in the gym than I think I've gone the entire year.  However, it's not enough.

It's time for a challenge in my life.  Not that things aren't challenging, but I need something specific, something with rules and check points.  Something that I can say "If I did this today, I was successful at taking a step towards my goal".  It just so happens I need to make some healthy changes in my life, and so the challenge was born!

The Challenge:
For 30 days, I will hold myself to the following:
1.  Some form of physical activity every day.
2.  Three days a week, I will work out right after I wake up.
3.  No fast food.
4.  Limited desserts and sweets
5.  No Alcohol.
6.  1 water bottle a day (for me this is HUGE, considering I drink 0 cups of water a day)
7.  A serving of fruits AND vegetables every single day (on their own, not "in" some recipe)

It makes it easier now that teacher friend, boyfriend, and roommate have joined the challenge!  The idea is to give me something to strive for, trying to create healthy habits.  My reward for completing the challenge is that new wardrobe I was talking about in the last post!  It's time to put-up or shut-up, and I'm ready to get down to business!

Day 1 is on!

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Ok.  So, now that I have the new big girl job, I am well aware that I will need to buy a big girl wardrobe.  Those that know me know this is not something I look forward to.  But, TFA staff doesn't joke around with their dress, and the look at the office is "stylish professional dress"...  Black pants and a white shirt are not going to cut it.

Though it will cost me a small fortune, this is actually a good thing!  It will motivate me to work out.  BECAUSE, if I already have to spend money on something I don't want, it will SUCK even more if I have to spend that money buying clothes that make me uncomfortable or that I think I look bad in, when really it's my weight and body I am uncomfortable with, not the clothes.

So, it's on!  This week I've set a few goals, and so far I've met them all!

Goal 1) do something active (preferably go to the gym or jog) each day.
So far I'm doin' great!  Tuesday was not that great, but I did squeeze in a (very) short dog walk... but it counts!

Goal 2) Don't spend any money til Friday
Easier said than done.  I am notorious for buying coffee or snacks, things I could easily make myself.  By planning all meals and snacks over the weekend, and prepping coffee the night before, I've managed to not spend a DIME this week!  Go me!

Goal 3) Study for the LSAT.  Every day.
I figure if I take this thing piece by piece it will be easier.  So, I am devoted to studying about 1 hour a day, no exceptions.  So far I've had to squeeze this in on prep periods and in short chunks after school, but I've been successful!

One day at a time...  I will succeed!  :)