Tuesday, June 23, 2009

So much to catch up on, it's almost not worth it.  So, we will start fresh from here.  I'm stuck in class, teaching summer school, and even though I'm putting little effort into it, it's still in no way, shape, or form a "break" for the summer.  Damn the Roosevelt School District for making this necessary!

On the bright side, last night I bought my ticket to Denver!  The GABF is going on, and I want to be there!  Hotel is right downtown, but we have  car to drive around anyways.  I am so excited to plan out the trip!  

Nothing too exciting to write now, just very BORED.  Kids are currently finding synonyms for "boring" words.  This means playtime on the computer for Ms. Campos!!  I swear, I am a much better teacher during the school year than this :)

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