Sunday, November 15, 2009

2 days to make up for

No internet access in Flagstaff (well, the hotel at least)...  So this time it's actually not my fault I'm behind!

1)  I am grateful for Oregano's Pizza.  It was a much needed pick-me-up today.

2) I am grateful for chick flicks.  If I'm feeling down, I can at least lose myself for a short bit in them.

3)  I am grateful for having time to go on a brief shopping spree.  :)  I needed some new work clothes.

4)  I am grateful for my little chinese golden waving kittie that I got in Chinatown in San Fran!  I put batteries in it ALMOST 3 months AGO!  And homeboy is still waving!!  It is kind of amazing, and every day I come home to a cat statue welcoming me!  Baller!

5)  I am grateful for sweatpants, warm blankets, and couches to cuddle up on.

6) I am grateful for being just a phone call away from someone who loves me.  If that far...

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