Friday, November 13, 2009

Happy Friday!

YAY!  It's Friday, and even though it's a FULL day of school, and I have a weekend of TFA stuff, it's still Friday, and that's reason to celebrate!

This weekend I am going to Southwest Summit, just a big conference with TFA peeps from Phoenix and New Mexico.  For the first time, all the sessions I chose had NOTHING to do with Math.  I'm mathed out :)

Things I am grateful for:

1)  I am grateful for coffee.  I HATE the taste, but man does it perk me up.  Especially in the mornings when I need it most, but also in the afternoons if I need to focus.  Thank goodness I am finally able to get over the taste, and drink it!

2) I am grateful for the chance to "get away" a little this weekend.  Even though it's going to be FREEZING, it'll be nice to get a change of scenery and spend time with a great group of people.

3)  I am grateful for the TV show It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia.  This is a new one for me, and Roby, Scott and started watching it.  We are on season three and it is HILARIOUS!  It has provided us with a nice little activity in the evenings while winding down for bed, and it's just hilarious.  I love it!  :)

So excited for the day to be done and to be flagstaff bound!  Yay!

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