Thursday, November 5, 2009

Separate Spheres

A second idea, separate from Gratitude:

I've decided to separate my life into spheres, and try my best to keep those sections separate.

Last week I found myself at a whole new, unprecedented level of GRUMP. And I couldn't snap out of it, no matter how hard I tried. Then I realized, I was taking all my frustrations at ASU, school, life, friends, etc., and taking them out on the wrong people/things. I can no longer take out my feelings about ASU on my students. I can't keep bringing my anger about my classroom into my life.

So. I am a student. That is one sphere. I am a teacher, and have a classroom. There's another. I am in a relationship, so that is a third. And I have a life with friends... my fourth. I guess three and four can mix a little, but it's important to remember that they are, in fact, separate.

Finally, there is a fifth section: myself. I need to make time to be alone with just myself, just my thoughts, to take care of me and do things that I like. Read a book, go to the park, get a massage, watch Grey's Anatomy, whatever it is that makes me happy. This one might be the hardest of all to nurture...

So it's on. I need to do something every day to try to take care of these spheres, but above all, I need to keep them separate. I think this is going to help...

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