Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Feeling like a Failure... sigh...

I really wish that this didn't seem like such a chore :(  I guess that just means I need this gratitude blog more than I think!)

I have three days to make up for again (monday, Tuesday, Wednesday), so here we go!

1)  I am grateful for my dad.  Today is his birthday.  Mom didn't make it to hers this year, so I am grateful that I still have a dad.  A dad that I can send birthday cards to, and call to wish him a happy birthday.  I am grateful i have a dad still.

2)  I am grateful that I have a somewhat decent math curriculum this year.  Now, don't get me wrong, it's not perfect, and I IN NO WAY use it the way it was created to be used.  It is worthless to me the way it was given.  However, I am using it as a resource, and it's wonderful.  No more making my own worksheets.  EnVision has some great handouts and student practice, and I LOVE that.  Such a time saver.

3) I am grateful for my strong abilities in math.  Somewhere a long the line, I was blessed with the talent of being able to do complex math problems.  Quickly.  In my head.  It had allowed me to excel in this subject first as a student, now as a teacher.  I don't even realize, but it is so easy for me to break down concepts because they COMPLETELY make sense to me.  And it's fun. Makes me feel like a badass.  I'm grateful for that.

4)  I am grateful for having the day off of school today!  Wednesdays off are fantastic, because I get to sleep in a little, and have a chance to BREATHE!  Even if all I'm doing is more work, it's STILL better than being at school for the day!

5) I am grateful for the comment a co-worker made to me yesterday.  He has several of my students in his SFA reading class, and he told me today that my students were awesome in his class.  "You've really done a good job with them."  This made me feel really good, like I HAVE done something.  I'm grateful that the compliment came at a time I really needed it.

6)  I am grateful that I have my roommate Roby.  He's great, and is so understanding of my messes, dogs, and boyfriend :)  He is so laid back and easy going, it makes coming home a pleasure.

7)  I am greatful for WINE!  Scott and I went to Postino's last night, and though I was a grump before we got seated, we had GREAT conversations over a bottle.  The wine loosened up our talking a little, and we really had some good things to say.  It was great.  All because of some wine :)

8) I AM GRATEFUL FOR THE DOG PARK!  Last year, the dog park was the ONLY break I took from working.  And, the ONLY reason i didn't do work there was because Sadie wouldn't let me.  It was the first place I made non-TFA friends, and I met Scott there too!  It is wonderful.  The last place where life isn't complicated.  Dogs are happy if you just throw a ball and pet them on the head.  The people are happy to have the interaction, and it's just laid back.  No responsibilities.  No expectations.  Just people and dogs.  I love it.

9) I am grateful for Dimsy.  We are going through a process together, and it's nice to have her there with me.  Someone to work with, someone to compare notes with, and someone to mutually freak out or calm down with.  It's great.  She's just such a calming presence, I love her.  And am so grateful she's in my life for many reasons, this was just the first I thought of!

I'll actually try to post a little more today.  I DO have 12 to make up for from the first 4 days... yikes!

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